Childhood Cancer Day

Every year, on February 15th, the world comes together to observe International Childhood Cancer Day. This day serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing battle against pediatric cancer and the collective efforts needed to improve outcomes for young patients and their families. As we reflect on the significance of this day, it's crucial to recognize the strides made in cancer research and treatment, particularly through innovative technologies and patient-centered approaches.
At the forefront of these advancements are publications like JMIR Cancer and JMIR Research Protocols. JMIR Cancer (Impact Factor 2.8), with its focus on education, innovation, and technology in cancer care, provides a platform for disseminating groundbreaking research and insights aimed at enhancing cancer treatment and survivorship. Similarly, JMIR Research Protocols (Impact Factor: 1.7) serves as a hub for publishing research ideas, study protocols, and grant proposals, fostering collaboration and accelerating the development of medical innovations.
In honor of International Childhood Cancer Day, we're highlighting five impactful papers from JMIR Publications that shed light on various aspects of childhood cancer research and care. These papers not only showcase the depth of knowledge and innovation within the field but also underscore the importance of continued research and collaboration in the fight against pediatric cancer.
Let's delve into these papers to glean insights into the latest advancements and promising approaches in pediatric oncology.
1. Calaminus, G, et al. (2021). "Health-Related Quality of Life in European Childhood Cancer Survivors: Protocol for a Study Within PanCareLIFE." Research Protocols, 10(1), DOI: 10.2196/21851
Survival after childhood cancer has improved to more than 80% during the last few years, leading to an increased number of childhood cancer survivors. Cancer itself, or its treatment, may cause chronic health conditions, including somatic and mental sequelae, which may affect survivors’ health-related quality of life (HRQoL).
2. Marron, M., et al. (2021). "Identification of Genetic Predispositions Related to Ionizing Radiation in Primary Human Skin Fibroblasts From Survivors of Childhood and Second Primary Cancer as Well as Cancer-Free Controls: Protocol for the Nested Case-Control Study KiKme." Research Protocols, 10(11), DOI: 10.2196/32395
Therapy for a first primary neoplasm (FPN) in childhood with high doses of ionizing radiation is an established risk factor for second primary neoplasms (SPN). An association between exposure to low doses and childhood cancer is also suggested; however, results are inconsistent. As only subgroups of children with FPNs develop SPNs, an interaction bet
3. Ha, L., et al. (2022). "A Digital Educational Intervention With Wearable Activity Trackers to Support Health Behaviors Among Childhood Cancer Survivors: Pilot Feasibility and Acceptability Study." JMIR Cancer, 8(3), DOI: 10.2196/38367
Childhood cancer survivors are at increased risk of cardiometabolic complications that are exacerbated by poor health behaviors. Critically, many survivors do not meet physical activity guidelines.
4. Touyz, L., et al. (2018). "Design and Rationale for a Parent-Led Intervention to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Young Childhood Cancer Survivors (Reboot): Protocol for a Pilot Study." Research Protocols, 7(5), DOI: 10.2196/resprot.9252
Poor dietary habits are common among childhood cancer survivors, despite increasing their risk of cardio metabolic complications after cancer treatment. Here, we describe the design and rationale for a pilot telephone-based, parent-led intervention aimed at increasing fruit and vegetable intake in young cancer survivors (Reboot).
5. Sansom-Daly, U.M., et al. (2018). "Psychosocial Assessment Using Telehealth in Adolescents and Young Adults With Cancer: A Partially Randomized Patient Preference Pilot Study." Research Protocols, 7(8), DOI: 10.2196/168
Adolescent and young adults with cancer are at increased risk of psychosocial difficulties relative to their healthy peers. Current models of inpatient face-to-face psychosocial care might limit the capacity for clinicians to provide timely and personalized assessment and intervention for this group. Telehealth offers a promising alternative toward increasing access to the provision of evidence-based psychosocial assessment and treatment for adolescent and young adults with cancer.